Sunday, June 3, 2012

Have you ever been outside at night trying to walk? Maybe you were walking on the beach during the evening or you might have been hiking a path and the sun goes down before you have reached the end.

When I've experienced a night time stroll, I find myself walking much slower for fear that I might stub my toe or trip over something. Without a light, I could stumble over an unseen obstacle or lose my way. I could even get hurt.

But, if I bring a flashlight, my confidence increases, and I walk much faster. Why? Now I can see any obstacles and avoid them before they cause me harm. I can stay on the path and not get lost.

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105

God wants His children to think of His Word like a flashlight. Without His instructions and warnings, we are wandering around in the dark. But, when we study His Word, we are led in the right paths and don't have to fear stumbling.

Are you in His Word? If not, don't wander around in the dark, risking getting lost from the path you should be taking. Read His Word and let it light your way.

Don't know where to start? Read all of Psalm 119. It contains the many benefits and importances of obeying God's instructions.

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