Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry for the late post today. When you keep a two-year-old, she rules your time. Nap time.

Today I've been thinking about why I write. I asked myself that a couple of years ago. When I did my quiet time that day, I ended up in 1 John. As I flipped through that book I kept noticing the word writing or write. Upon further inspection, I discovered my philosophy for writing Christian fiction.
The first reason I write is because I have heard, seen, and experienced the Word of life - Jesus. I now must proclaim and testify to Him. This type of writing will make our joy complete by the fellowship we can share through Christ.
The second chapter in 1 John explains that I don't write something new or unknown but to confirm the truth that Christians know. The writing also is to guide us away from sin and warn about those who try to deceive and lead us astray.
Chapter five explains the purpose for writing is to know that you truly have eternal life and not an illusion. This reiterates our position in Christ and boosts our trust in God.
Naturally, I understand that the specific comments made in 1 John were discussing the writing of that book or letter. However, I believe the message can transfer to the present day.
When I write Christian fiction, I include truths from God's Word such as how to receive salvation, overcoming sin or discouragement, and finding hope in Christ alone. These ideas aren't my original thoughts, but I do weave them through an original storyline to testify to the hope God has instilled in me.
This adopted philosphy guides my writing projects by providing a plumb line for checking my motives. If there is no witness or testimony about Him, it's not mine to write.

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